Digitalizing the shoebox

I can’t remember how long ago, but it must have been years ago (please don’t think I am that old, just think that I like to exaggerate a little) when I got that scanner for my birthday (thank you roommates). And ever since, I have been thinking about digitalizing and retouching all my pictures. Well, as you can see in my collection (notice the scratches) there are about four or so pictures that I digitalized since then. Call me lazy – but I would rather call it prioritizing:)

Anyway, today I decided it became time to make a start. So, hopefully over the next weeks you will be able to see some old pictures that might be fun or worth looking at. If you don’t see appearing anything, then I must have forgotten it already or perhaps decided to prioritize again! Today I started with Gigi – it was just a day at the beach and making some snap shots afterwards.