
Coffee, “a great way to start the day with”, “it keeps you awake” or “it is a great conversation starter” are all reasons why to drink coffee. But this is not the only reason why people drink coffee. In the movie Coffee and Cigarettes Steven Wright likes to drink coffee before to go to bed, so he can dream at amazing speeds. Or take this comparison of why to prefer coffee above women. And if you are still not convinced, coffee is even good for your health! But most likely whenever people ask you to drink coffee with them, you should consider the first three options – either they think you look sleepy or they want to do business with you. The last option of course explains why Starbucks is such a success in the US, and why providing wireless internet in all the Starbucks stores was such a logical step to take.

Uhm.. Where was I going again with this story? Ah yes!

I forgot to take a coffee this morning! I found myself in the city, standing somewhere on a small wall together with Indah, taking pictures of the annual FFWD Dance Parade. And even though it had been a long night and an early morning, I remained glued on that very wall for nearly two hours without a drop of coffee! It felt bad not starting the day in the right way, and not socializing with the person I was with. Guess that all I want to say is – Indah, Next time we have to start with coffee!